Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My baby girl.

I am a mother of two wonderful little boys. The only problem is that I don't have a little a little girl of my own. When I was Pregnant with my first I wanted a little boy at the beginning. Then I was told by the ultrasound tech that she was very sure I was having a girl. I was a little disappointed at first but I got used to the idea of having my little pink bundle of joy. We picked out the name, Katie, decorated the room, bought pink dresses and blankets. We were so happy. Two weeks before my baby shower I went in for another ultrasound. Happy to see our little Katie we went in and watched her do her work. We were like Katie this and Katie that and then the tech went silent. I was freaked out and asked what was wrong? She asked what were we told about the gender of the baby? we said we were told it was going to be a girl. She said I am sorry but you are going to have a boy. We didn't believe her. so she showed his little (turtle). I was devastated at the news. I cried for weeks. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I knew I was hormonal among other things but this was crazy. I was talking to my mom and told her I was so sad and it felt almost like I lost a child. She said I was exactly right. I was planing on having this little girl named Katie and she was going to ware little pink dresses and sleep in her pink room and now all of that is gone. I have to redo everything in my soon to be child's life. Once I understood what was wrong with me I was able to come to terms with it and start bonding with this "new" baby boy growing inside of me. We removed all of the pink things and put them in storage and started replacing pink with blue. Every time I went to another ultrasound I made sure we still had boy parts in there. And finally picked out a name. By the time Matthew was born I loved him as if nothing had happened in those nine short months. I still miss not having my cute baby girl, but I'm still young I could try again someday.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

To smoke or not to smoke?

So it has been hard these past 4 weeks with the whole quit smoking thing is the habit part. For the most part it has been when I clean I want to smoke. And luckily I don't clean often. But I'm attempting the kitchen and man do I want a cigarette. I'm just going to have to tough it out. Because I know how gross it would taste now and I don't want that in my mouth.

Matt's way with words.

As you know Matt has a speech delay. But lately he has been talking a lot more. So this morning when I went into his room to check on him he proceed to tell me about everything in his room. It went something like this.

Matt: jdgn owek ijdh odjhf bear!

Me: Yes that's a bear.

Matt: djfkmc oidk nfbn ogjl shirt!

Me: Yes that's a shirt.

Matt: jpio xebn tukjh bge socks!

Me: Yes those are socks.

Matt: aijdhn baby owiet baby!

Me: Yes that's your baby brother. (he says baby tw
ice when hes talking about his brother, and says "my baby" when hes talking about himself)

Matt: sdx kcmjre thbgl xkh horse!

Me: Yes that's a horse.

Then he proceeds to start over and I have to tell him that mommy has to go into the living room and he just keeps on talking.

Way to cute I know it wont be much longer until he sounds like a everyday 2 1/2 year old.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why do I even bother taking the kids to the doctor?

On Thursday Colin was being a even bigger pain in the you know what along with other things, so I decided to to take him to the doctor. I made a appointment and got there on time (if you know me you'll understand how big of a deal that is) waited for 20 minutes with 2 kids in the waiting room. We finally get to go back, get weighed, temp taken, symptoms checked and told the doctor will be right in. That's a load of poop. luckily it was only 15 minutes. In which I rearranged the room so that the children couldn't destroy it anymore. When the doctor arrived (not his normal one) I gave him the low down about Colin. Extremely hungry, low fever for a few days, a very angry and clingy child, and stinky pee. So he give him the one over, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, and lungs. The diagnoses... he's teething. I'm like what, he's teething? It can't be just that I'm a mom of 2 I know what teething is! (OK i didn't say all of that but i should of.) What I did say is what about his pee? he responded with stinky pee is not always a sign of anything. I reminded him (assuming that re read his file) that he has had 2 or 3 UTI's since he was 2 months old and the only sign of him having one is a fever and stinky pee. Also the test in the office never worked, only when it was sent out for a 24 hour culture did it show any signs of infection. Now as I'm saying this the older one is wandering around the room touching everything in sight as well as the doctors computer. And with one touch he turns off his computer. He is amazed at how quick he is and I'm amazed at how dumb this pediatrician for not protecting his computer from sticky little fingers. He tells me he'll be right back (man this place can lie through it's teeth). Next comes in the nurse, I ask so did he decide to check his urine after all? and she shows me the little bag and said yep. BTW I love the nurses at there office I couldn't ask for better people. So the next half hour is having the bag put on him, letting him run around, collecting the pee, testing the pee, and telling me the pee is fine. Go ahead and go home. So here we are today, Tuesday, he now has a fever of 102* Has eaten less and less since Saturday (almost nothing today) he barely can get off the couch and is throwing up' along with stinky pee. All signs of a UTI. I called the office today to see if the results are in from the urinalysis. The nurse can't find them so I ask if they were even sent in? she's not sure and is going to make some calls. So now I have to wait for her to find out if he sent in the pee or not (I know he didn't) so she can let me know if I need to come in tomorrow. Rrrr I am so mad at them!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

4 weeks smoke free (or 28 days)!!!!

So as of today it has been 4 weeks 3hr 47min and 28sec... or 28 days.
I have not smoked 563 cigarettes (that's 20 per day or one pack a day)
I have saved $157.68
And I have saved 1day, 22hr and 55 min of my life. More time to spend with my children.

Now here's the great part. My husband quit with me.
So we have not smoked 1126 cigarettes or 56 packs.
We have saved a grand total of $315.36. (Just to let you know if at all possible we bought the ones that were on sale.)

Background on us. My husband started smoking when he was 13 years old. So he has smoked for 16 years.
I started smoking when I was 17 years old. I smoked for 7 years.

We both knew we needed to quit. But we didn't want to quit. So awhile back (28 days ago) we out of money and couldn't buy and cigarettes. and when the next paycheck rolled around we were low on extra cash also so we didn't even bother buying any more. So when people ask what kind of method we used I tell them I used the "were broke" method.

I do feel a lot better about not smoking.
  • I no longer worried if I could buy what I want (cigarettes) or what I need (food/diapers).
  • I felt so bad at night when the kids would cough I knew it was because I was smoking, there door was shut so the smoke would stay in there.
  • I Now don't have to have smoke breaks. I can start something and finish it with out stopping 2 0r 3 time to smoke.
  • My house, car, clothes, things, kids things, kids, myself, don't stink like cigarette smoke anymore.
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Sometime I just want a cigarette but I know I wont pick one up. I wish good luck to everyone out there that wants to quit.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

To start my first blog I will tell you a little about myself and a lot about my family and life. I am 24 years old, a mom (obviously) and have been married for 6 years. My husbands name is Chris and is looking to work for the local police department. I'm personally not way to happy about it but it is his choice. ( I still told him he could only work in our safe little town and nothing like bomb squad or swat team.) Like I said its his choice. We had our first son, Matt, on 8-17-2006 and it was one of the happiest days of our lives. Then 7 months later we found out that we were having another bundle of joy. (can you say surprise?) So when Matt was 16 months old we welcomed our second son,Colin, into our lives on 12-10-2007. To months later when Matt was 18 months old he was diagnosed with a speech delay and other minor delays. When we started this he had no words. He had some sounds but they were on the level of a 11 months old vocab. now a year later and lots of speech therapy he has about 22 words and about 30-40 signs (sign language) yes he does baby signing, more on that later. Now the baby of the house, Colin, is doing fine. he has had a slight speech delay but not to bad. he still hasn't call me mommy or Chris daddy but he can make the sounds. His favorite words are "dog","no" and "go" and has a whole lot of sounds. Now my biggest worry is this summer, I'm going to have to buy him baby knee pads or else he is going to have no knees left with how big of a klutz he is. Oh ya we have a new puppy. Her name is Hanna, she is a 1 year old 70 pound chocolate lab.